What Should a Small Business Website Contain? (2024)

New and existing small business owners can improve their website and visitor experience by implementing the suggestions below. It will be continuously updated as I come up with more things to consider. Some items are more crucial than others – but at the end of the day, it is up to you, the business owner (or developer hired by the business owner), to determine what fits your small business website needs. If you have any questions or comments regarding small business websites or what they should contain, feel free to reach out. I am a Web Designer & Web Developer based in NYC who specializes in helping individuals and small businesses establish and grow their online presence.

  1. Contact Information
  2. Time Sensitive Notices
  3. Business, Product and Service Information
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Testimonials & Reviews
  6. Pictures of your business
  7. Hours of Operation
  8. Links to your partners

1. Contact Information :

Out of shot woman holding Apple iPhone sitting in front of a Macbook.

It goes without saying that contact information is a key component for every small business website. The lifeblood of any business is its customers, and being difficult to reach or locate (especially if there is a physical location) can be a death sentence. It sends the message that you don’t take your business seriously and are not interested in engaging with the customers who keep you afloat. Therefore, contact information should always be prominently displayed on your website, without exceptions.

Common places to showcase contact details include headers, footers, or a dedicated contact page.

When assembling contact information, ensure that it includes the business name, physical address (if applicable), phone number, fax number (if applicable), email address, and possibly a designated point of contact for a more personalized touch.

For businesses with time constraints or high customer interaction, consider integrating your website with a scheduling or appointment booking application, such as Calendly.

To enhance user experience, make your phone number and email clickable by utilizing HTML’s <a> element. This allows you to create buttons that can automatically dial the phone number or open an email client when clicked.

If you’re interested in adding these features to your website, feel free to reach out to me.

2. Time Sensitive Notices

Any time-sensitive notice, such as an early business closure or holiday closure, should be prominently displayed on the website. Ideally, it should be presented as a notification at the top of the page or in another conspicuous location. Relying solely on a door sign for a physical location is insufficient. Nowadays it is extremely common to check store hours online. Ensure that you also update other platforms and services you use, including Google Business and Yelp.

3. Business, Product and Service Information

Every small business website should contain detailed information about the business, its products, and its services. Providing readily available information not only saves you time and effort but also aligns with the adage that “time is money.” Before engaging with a business, customers invariably seek relevant information. By offering comprehensive details about your offerings, you alleviate the need for them to search elsewhere, streamlining their experience. Less isn’t always more.

4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

You can enhance your website further by incorporating Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). A dedicated FAQ page on your small business website can efficiently address common queries, saving both you and your customers valuable time.

5. Testimonials & Reviews

A small business website should undoubtedly contain testimonials and reviews. Word of mouth and positive experiences are key drivers for business growth. If you offer exceptional service or achieve outstanding results, there’s no harm in showcasing it. However, it’s essential to obtain consent from individuals before featuring their testimonials on your website. Copying and pasting a Google or Yelp review without permission could lead to complications. Always seek permission first before using any testimonials.

6. Pictures of you or your business (if applicable)

If possible, consider uploading pictures of yourself, your business, your storefront (if you have one), and your services. It gives your business a “human” element and shows you mean business. If you would like to take pictures of your work or other people involved in your business, acknowledge that privacy preferences vary for each individual. In some cases, people may prefer not to share or be featured in images, which is completely understandable. Like Testimonials, seek permission..

7. Hours of Operation

This one’s straightforward. Every small business website should contain its hours of operation. Why? Well, you wouldn’t want someone calling you at 10 PM on a Saturday or Sunday night, right? If you do welcome calls during those hours, make it clear to your potential customers. They can’t read minds. It’s better to communicate explicitly than to assume. If someone calls after hours, even when the operating hours are posted, it provides an opportunity to politely address the situation by referencing the hours on your website (try not to sound annoyed – though it can be tempting, haha).

If you collaborate with other individuals or businesses, it’s highly advisable to showcase them on your website, particularly for small businesses. Given the intense competition, your partners will appreciate the gesture and it can potentially drive business in their direction. However, before listing partners, make sure to obtain their consent.

Thanks for checking out this blog post on what a small business website should contain. The items of this list are of my own opinions. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to speak with me regarding website related matters, feel free to reach out. I am a Web Designer & Web Developer based in NYC who specializes in helping individuals and small businesses establish and grow their online presence.

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