How to Use Chat GPT for Small Business

Have you ever considered using Chat GPT for your small business?

Like it or not, AI software like Chat GPT is here to stay. Tech Industry experts agree that AI will grow exponentially over the coming years (Bloomberg), as language models (AI) learn more from data and user submissions. As it stands, Chat GPT is essentially Google Search on Steroids. Many companies like Facebook, Microsoft and even Google themselves are already heavily utilizing AI for various internal and external means. AI is a tool that everyone can and should use. So it goes without saying, if its easy to use, and if its free, it can be used to help your small business. Despite the bad rap AI has received in recent times due to mass layoffs (Wall Street Journal), in the future, it will play a crucial role in everyone’s life. As a business owner, it will also play a key role in your businesses’ success. So you may as well hop on the train early to get a head start and learn how to use it.

If you aren’t using AI for your small business, you really should consider it. If you are, stick around because you may learn something. In this article, we will go over how small businesses can use Chat GPT to make things easier.

How to use Chat GPT for Small Business

Using Chat GPT for Advertising

Advertising is an important part of any business. It’s how customer awareness grows. If you aren’t very knowledgeable in the realm of advertising, Chat GPT can help you immensely. You can use Chat GPT to create eye catching and interest piquing ads (at least, the text for them anyway). It doesn’t just end there. You can ask Chat GPT a wide range of questions regarding advertising like:

  • “Would EDDMs be good for my business?”
  • “What is the most common form of advertising for Hair Salons?”
  • “How much does it cost to run a radio ad in New York City?”
  • What are some services that Computer Technicians forget to advertise?”
  • “What kind of deal should my advertisement contain?”

Using Chat GPT for Customer Service

Customer Service is an important aspect of business. If you want to reap the benefits of repeat customers and word of mouth advertising (the best form of advertising by the way), you need to provide a memorable service with customer satisfaction in mind. If you aren’t the most friendly, or have trouble dealing with problematic customers, you can use Chat GPT for customer service training.

For example, you could have roleplaying sessions where Chat GPT acts as a disgruntled customer. Go back and forth with Chat GPT until you both reach an agreement or solution. Afterwards, ask it for feedback on what could be improved.

Another way to use Chat GPT for customer service would be to have it list out common issues and complaints with businesses like yours. You can then ask it provide solutions to each problem. In doing so, if you ever come across an issue on that list, you have a point of reference when trying to address it. This list may even introduce problems you may have never even considered.

Using Chat GPT for Business Contracts

Here’s a little known use case for Chat GPT – You can use it to generate business contracts. Give Chat GPT the gist of what you’re looking for and it’ll produce one at breakneck speed. Before using the contract however, please make sure you run it by an attorney who specializes in business law. Chat GPT isn’t perfect. At best the contract it makes should be only used as a draft. Having an attorney look over the contract will save you money and headaches in the longrun. They’ll be able to identify parts of the contract that need to be adjusted, and more importantly, let you know if the contract will hold up in court.

Using Chat GPT for Competitor Information

You can use Chat GPT to help find out the what your competition charges. You can ask it for the average price for services in your area. This is a great way to stay one step ahead. Instead of calling up businesses in the area, possibly wasting hours of your day, you can have Chat GPT break it all down for you. The information may not always be 100% accurate, but its still pretty solid. From there you can compare your prices and see if there’s value to be added somewhere even if you can’t lower your prices.

Using Chat GPT for Feedback

This is something I use Chat GPT regularly for. I typically ask for feedback on my articles. I also have it check over my grammar and spelling.

You can use Chat GPT for this as well, but when it comes to business specifically, you can use Chat GPT as a consultant. You can have it analyze potential advertisements, business letters, ideas, best and worst case scenarios, pros and cons of implementing a change, how your new service will add value to your business, etc.

Using Chat GPT for Cold Calls / Cold Emails

Not good at writing cold emails or phone call scripts? Have Chat GPT do it for you! You can do more than just generate a generic script. You can ask Chat GPT to populate it with common questions and answers for your business, list resources that you can provide for more information, and brainstorm some methods to increase the likelihood for a follow up.


As you can now see, Chat GPT has many use cases and can greatly benefit your small business if utilized wisely. It’s completely free, saves time, energy, and most importantly, money. If you’re looking for more information on how you can use Chat GPT to enhance your business, or if you have any questions regarding my web development and web design services, feel free to reach out. I specialize in helping individuals and small businesses establish and grow their online presence.

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