Affordable Manhattan NY Web Designer
For Individuals & Small Businesses

I'm Stephan, your local, easy to understand, affordable Manhattan Web Designer.

I’m a self-taught web designer and web developer based in NYC. I started Sites By Stephan in April of 2023 because I wanted to make a career out of something I enjoy – building websites!  The main goal of my business is to provide personalized, straightforward and affordable web design services to residents and businesses in Manhattan (and NYC). Unlike other people in my field, I focus on your goals and needs before pitching solutions. I ditch the tech talk and use everyday language to explain concepts and guide my clients. And most importantly, I’m able to keep costs low because I am a one man team.

Please feel free to browse my site and reach out if you have any questions regarding my services. I typically respond within 24-hours.

Best Regards.



"Stephan has made a big impact in our success and daily functionality. He offers his services at a very reasonable rate. He helped create our vision and continues to provide assistance and instruction whenever we need it. looks and functions beautifully! "
"Stephan was a pleasure to work with! He swiftly recovered my 20 year old website from hackers and rebuilt it from the ground up with security in mind! Thank you so much!"

Recent Work image

Primoends *NEW*

I aided Primoends L.L.C. in the creation and customization of their multi-vendor marketplace for designer home decor on the Shopify platform.

In less than a year the business has gone international.


The Benjamin Goldman Law Office hired me to rebuild several low-performing websites. I was solely responsible for the creation of over one thousand fast loading, mobile-friendly landing pages. My work resulted in the Benjamin Goldman Law Office expanding it’s Traffic Ticket Law Firm services to every town and village in upstate New York.


The Benjamin Goldman Law Office also asked me to service their Wordpress based website that deals with local traffic ticket matters in New York City.


Renown Iranian Musician Tania Eshaghoff asked me to recover and rebuild her hacked website. She preferred a very customized user experience.

Affordable Manhattan NY Web Design Services

Website Design

Hand coded custom websites, WordPress websites, portfolio websites, product & service landing pages, blogs and e-commerce stores. Fully customizable and responsive for every device and web browser.​

Website Optimization

Site-wide tune ups resulting in faster page loading and fewer visitors leaving. Enhance your visibility on Google with local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and best practices.​

Website Maintenance

Maintenance includes tasks such as adding or improving existing content, maintaining old code, ensuring security is up to date, server fixes and more.

Website Backups

Digital and physical media backups that keep your website safe even in the worst case scenario.

More Information

If you are looking for an affordable Manhattan web designer you’ve found the right guy. Working together we can make your ideal website become a reality! At the very beginning of the web design process, we will brainstorm for necessary content and form the site’s layout. After that comes implementation – that’s where the coding begins. We will be in regular contact as we push through the project. This is to make sure you’re ultimately happy with the finished product.

Utilizing best practices and my years of experience, I will do my best to create a website that functions beautifully, rank well, and provides great results for years to come.

If you already have a website and are looking to improve it, feel free to reach out to me. I can analyze your website for any potential issues or flaws in its design, functionality and reach. As seen in my website study here, I have a good eye for catching inconsistencies and quality issues.

For those of you with WordPress websites looking for help, you’ll be glad to know that I’m familiar with the platform. In fact, this website is built with it!

WordPress can be complicated if you aren’t knowledgable about it. That’s why many people fall victim to accidentally deleting or corrupting critical pages and files for their website. WordPress also has the tendency to slow down considerably if not properly optimized. On top of all that, by default, its security measures aren’t the best, meaning WordPress sites tend to be compromised quite easily.

If it sounds like I’m trying to make you worry, good! WordPress, while a great platform, has a lot of issues. If you’re interested in making your WordPress website more secure, improve its design, functionality, and speed, you should defnitely consider reaching out to me.

Every aspiring entrepreneur or creative talent needs a website to showcase their work. What better way to accomplish this and stand out than with a website portfolio? If you are looking for a website portfolio designer, get in touch with me.

I have worked with several artists, musicians and entrepreneurs. A portfolio website is an important marketing tactic when advertising yourself to potential clients or employers.

That’s why working with a portfolio web designer is important. We can make sure your talent is noticed.

Every business website looking to attract customers needs landing pages. They allow your site to target certain audiences by use of short and long tail keywords. Using best SEO practices, I can help get your service or product in the eyes of more people. In most cases, landing pages are not a one and done deal. They must be continously analyzed and fine tuned over time to produce the best results. If you’re looking at this page right now, that means my landing page worked!

Get in touch if you’re interested in adding something like this to your marketing arsenal.

Blogs are an excellent way to communicate with your customers and followers. If you are looking to drive organic traffic to your site, having a blog is crucial. Blogs benefit both local and global Search Engine Optimization.

There are several blogging platforms available however the most recommended would be WordPress. If you are interested in a WordPress blog or would like to include a blog in an already existing site, contact me at your soonest convenience. We can discuss implementation and blog ideas to help improve your website’s ranking.

Ecommerce sites like Shopify are all the rage nowadays. For anyone looking for Shopify developers in Manhattan, please reach out. I can help you improve your Shopify layout, functionality, theme, conversion rates, and more.

If none of the other services fit the bill for you I can always develop a custom made website to order. The technologies I use are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind and React. Custom websites are very flexible compared to WordPress and other free website builders. They facilitate tremendous growth and scaling potential. If you are seeking an HTML developer or a React developer in Manhattan please contact me at your soonest convenience. We can discuss your ideas over phone, email or text message!

Website Optimization covers a wide range of subjects. The bottom line is, Website Optimization is a means to an end. A website that runs smoothly ranks high on Google and other search engines. Website Optimization includes fixing broken links, improving page speed, removing outdated content, adding new content, and ensuring all best practices are followed. If you are seeking a Website Optimization Specialist in Manhattan, consider getting in touch with me at your soonest convenience! I can make your website feel brand spanking new!

Image Optimization plays a huge role in Website Optimization. Many websites nowadays fail to properly optimize their images, leading to long load times. A website that takes a while to load has a higher bounce rate (more people leave if the website is slower). If you have any slow loading images, you should make it a point to fix those right away. I can help you with this.

Content Optimization is another aspect of Website Optimization, obviously focusing on the content of said page. Content Optimization includes making sure you follow best practices when writing content for the web. Optimized content ranks high on Google.

As a Manhattan Search Engine Optimization Specialist, I can help improve your ranking on Google. SEO is a very complex topic and implementing best SEO practices to rank higher in Manhattan takes time. SEO is not an overnight fix. If you are interested in playing the long game, and want to see natural, organic traffic increase, schedule an appointment with me and we can talk about some strategies you can take to increase your visibility on google in Manhattan.

Website Maintenance covers things like properly updating and securing your website, fixing various broken links, ensuring best practices are followed throughout the site, and most importantly, making sure the server hosting it stays operational!

Website Security Maintenance expands on Website Maintenance further by updating any outdated dependencies or plugins (third party software your website uses to function), securing your hosting server and addressing any other vulnerabilities. Website security also touches upon account security in a way.

Speak with me if you’re looking to improve your website security. I can conduct a security audit, make necessary adjustments, fixes, and guide you on how to further protect yourself and your website from bad actors.

Accidents happen. Servers go down. Login credentials are forgotten. Backups save the day. If you’ve ever fallen victim to losing your website before or want to mitigate this from happening, consider getting in touch with me. We can address your backup needs and ensure the data you have is secured safely incase of an accident.

Web design and web development aren’t my only services! I can also do photo and video editing, computer troubleshooting, copy writing, script writing, and advise on any tech related queries. 

Looking for help?

If you are seeking a Web Developer or Web Designer in Manhattan, NY or you would like more information regarding my services, feel free to reach out. I typically get back to inquiries within 24 hours.

P: (929) 766-3523 (TEXT OK!)

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